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In the Kampung Sayur, in the Klampok Hamlet, Pandanarum Village, Blitar Regency, they
have their own financial reports. The financial statements recorded are very simple. due to
lack of knowledge of good financial reports, they only write income and expense
transactions. If the financial statement records are presented properly, it can help the
Kampung Sayur business in information needs for investors and increase capital in a bank
to develop the vegetable village business. Therefore, this study aims to determine the
benefits of the financial application of zet accounting in an effort to improve the quality of
the preparation of financial reports in the Kampung Sayur Klampok Pandanarum Blitar.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used
are observation, interviews with documentation. The research location is in the Kampung
Sayur business, Klampok village, Pandanarum village, Sutojayan district, Blitar district.
Financial reports that used to still use the manual method by hand written using paper or
ledgers. with the zet accounting application, it can help the preparation of good and
correct financial reports for the Kampung Sayur. Profit/loss reports and changes in capital
will be clearly visible and appear automatically after we enter transaction data that has
occurred in a period.
Article Details
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