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pujiyanti putri lestari
sita apriliani
resmi ranti rosalina


This research aims to design a savings and loan accounting information system using
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 at the As-Siroji cooperative in Bandung. Cooperatives are
business entities consisting of individuals or legal entities. As-Siroji Cooperative is an
organization as a member welfare unit. This cooperative is engaged in the field of savings
and loans, namely providing savings and loan services to members and cooperative
officers. The method used is a qualitative method, with a descriptive approach and collects
data by observation, interviews, documentation, and library studies. And the software
development method used is the waterfall method. The problem that occurs in the As-Siroji
Cooperative is that the data recording in the As-Siroji Cooperative is all still manual using
a ledger which makes the work ineffective and prone to errors in data reporting. So from
these problems, the authors provide suggestions, namely to make an information system in
order to accelerate the effectiveness of using the system, train cooperative staff who will
use the system, and this savings and loan information system must continue to be
developed, and maintained so that there is no damage to the system.

Article Details

How to Cite
pujiyanti putri lestari, sita apriliani, & resmi ranti rosalina. (2021). PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI SIMPAN PINJAM MENGGUNAKAN MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2010 DI KOPERASI AS-SIROJI BANDUNG. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(Spesial Issue 1), 147–162. Issue 1.591


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