Main Article Content
This study aims to find out about the influence of ROA, ROE, size and FAR on the
capital structure of the company. The population in this study is banking companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2019 as many as 42
companies and 121 samples. this study used multiple linear regressions as an
analysis aalat. The results of hypothesis testing show that ROA affects the capital
structure of the company, this can be interpreted that the higher roa owned by the
company, the lower the capital structure of the company. Hypothesis 2 testing shows
that ROE affects the company's capital structure. It can be concluded that the higher
the ROE owned by the company, the higher the capital structure of the company. The
test results showed that size and FAR had no effect on the capital structure. This
means that the size and FAR cannot affect the up/down capital structure of the
Article Details
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