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Fitria Anjarwati
Oetari Febriyanti
Candra Mecca Sufyana


Krenies Indonesia is a snack food supplier company for resellers - resellers in
Indonesia. That way sales at Krenies Indonesia are very important to know the
turnover in the form of sales reports, as a promotional medium, and orders.
Unfortunately, recording and processing Krenies Indonesia sales data are still
manual, so it takes a relatively long time. To optimize the computer technology that
is already available, the purpose of this study is to build a design of a snack sales
information system using a website as a medium for promotion, recording, and
reporting of sales. The data collection method that the researcher uses is interviews,
observations, literature studies, and internet studies. This system approach method
uses a prototype that has advantages in developing the system to be made, time and
communication to the user will play an active role. By designing Data Flow
Diagrams (DFD) and using the PHP programming language and Mysql database,
it produces 2 features or facilities, namely for admins and for customers. Processing
and recording sales make it easier for admins and customers to place orders.

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How to Cite
Fitria Anjarwati, Oetari Febriyanti, Muthmainah, & Candra Mecca Sufyana. (2021). SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI PENJUALAN MAKANAN RINGAN BERBASIS WEB DI KRENIES INDONESIA. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(Spesial Issue 1), 90–101. Issue 1.567


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