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Marisa Seran
Andre Pattipeilohy


Financial literacy is very necessary especially for millennials who are in college.
This will be a provision for them later to be able to manage well every financial they
have, so as to meet their every need of life. This study analyzes the Effect of Financial
Literacy on Student Personal Financial Management. The sample in this study was
an active student who was at the University of Timor as many as 461 students. The
results showed that Financial Knowledge partially influenced the Personal
Financial Management of University of Timor Students. Financial Skill partially
affects the Personal Financial Management of University of Timor Students.
Financial Knowledge partially affects the Personal Financial Management of
University of Timor Students. Financial Knowledge, Financial Skill and Financial
Confidance simultaneously affect the Personal Financial Management of University
of Timor Students.. Financial Skill has a more dominant influence (compared to
Financial Knowledge and Financial Confidance)on Personal Financial
Managementof University of Timor Students

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How to Cite
Seran, M., & Andre Pattipeilohy. (2021). LITERASI KEUANGAN : SUATU KAJIAN ANALISIS PENGARUH TERHADAP PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN PRIBADI MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS TIMOR. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(Spesial Issue 1), 67–79. Issue 1.561


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