Strategi pemasaran digital marketing berperan dalam meningkatkan popularitas media berita online di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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Suharni Rahayu
Kenny Astria


The goal of this study was to figure out and analyse the digital marketing strategy for the online news site in South Sumatra Province, which is becoming more and more popular. For this kind of research, the qualitative method is used. The researcher himself is the research tool, and interviews and observations help the researcher get valid data. The population used is the total number of people who read over a 10-month period, which was 34,778 people. This study's sample The number of samples in this study, 99.7 people, which were rounded up to 100, was found by using the Slovin formula. SWOT analysis is the method used to look at the data. Based on the results of research that used SWOT analysis on, it looks like the company's use of digital marketing strategies is a great way to get more people to notice it. This is because the SWOT analysis diagram shows that the first quadrant, which is a very profitable situation, has the highest total score. has opportunities, but it also needs to minimise its weaknesses and deal with a number of threats.

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How to Cite
Rahayu, S. ., & Astria, K. . (2023). Strategi pemasaran digital marketing berperan dalam meningkatkan popularitas media berita online di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 5(7), 3197–3206. Retrieved from


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