Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior nurse type c hospital Surabaya
Main Article Content
The purpose of this study was to analyze the OCB antecedents of type C hospital nurses in
Surabaya. This research uses quantitative research with a case study approach. Data
analysis techniques in this study used validity, reliability, classical assumption and
hypothesis testing. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be seen that
the OCB antecedent of Type C Hospital nurses in the city of Surabaya is influenced by
several factors, including the Thriving Workplace variable and the Person-Organizational
Fit variable that does not have a significant influence on the Organizational Citizenship
Behavior of Type C Hospital nurses in the city. Surabaya. Meanwhile, Organizational
Commitment variable has a positive and significant influence on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior. The addition of the Job Embededness variable has an effect, so that
the three variables of Thriving Workplace, Person-organization Fit, and Organizational
Commitment have a positive and significant influence on the Organizational Citizenship
Behavior of Type C Hospital nurses in the city of Surabaya. While the intervening variable
represented by Job Embededness also has a positive and significant influence on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Type C Hospital nurses in the city of Surabaya.
Article Details
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