Proposed digital marketing strategy: A case of multinational mask producer in indonesia

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Zahrina Amalia


Triple Nexguard Indonesia, as one of the multinational mask manufacturers in Indonesia,
is looking for a large market growth opportunity from this condition. On the other hand,
there are several challenges faced by Triple Nexguard Indonesia in dealing with black swan
conditions and intense competition, such as product allocation and priority from global
market supply, inability to produce locally with acceptable time-to-market. From the
research, it is concluded that Triple Nexguard is positioned as the highest protective mask
that provides quality assurance with advanced quality screening and strong brand equity
with international medical organization patents, with the main target market of people who
are very worried and worried about their masks. behavior of the wearer during a pandemic
situation. According to this research, the Triple Nexguard Indonesia digital marketing
strategy project stream is divided into two major activities that can be carried out in parallel.
The first activity is a content marketing strategy that emphasizes strengthening product
information content to build brand awareness. Then, the e-commerce strategy focuses on
transactional processes. Both strategies stem from consumer behavior that can influence
customer paths and journeys.

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How to Cite
Amalia, Z. . (2022). Proposed digital marketing strategy: A case of multinational mask producer in indonesia. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(9), 4088–4098.


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