Tinjauan penerimaan dan pelayanan customer di PT Mulya Sejahtera Technology Bandung

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Edah Jubaedah
Ating Indah Tianti


This study aims to determine the process of acceptance and customer service at PT Mulya
Sejahtera Technology Bandung and how efforts are made to overcome factors or obstacles
in favour and customer service at PT Mulya Sejahtera Technology Bandung. Qualitative
descriptive analysis was used in this study using interview instruments and field
observations. The results of this study involved receiving the goods are the
warehouse/storeman, quality control, and supplier (vendor/supplier). They are supporting
documents at the stage of receiving goods, namely Purchase Order (PO), Delivery Order
(DO), Request Order Form (ROF), certificate and Packing List. In the implementation of
receiving and servicing goods for customers/customers, it was found that there were
problems with incomplete Authorized Release Certificate documents and unavailability of
goods in the warehouse (0). Efforts to overcome these problems are: immediately
submitting to the supplier so that the documents are completed, choosing a good supplier
so that the papers sent are complete, constantly checking inventory so as not to run out of
stock, accuracy in checking goods to be able to purchase goods properly. The efforts
carried out will help the process of receiving and serving customers/customers well.

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How to Cite
Jubaedah, E. ., & Tianti, A. I. . (2022). Tinjauan penerimaan dan pelayanan customer di PT Mulya Sejahtera Technology Bandung. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(9), 4073–4078. https://doi.org/10.32670/fairvalue.v4i9.1609


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