Pemodelan status kelayakan saham di aplikasi ajaib menggunakan metode regresi logit ordinal

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Hariawan Widi Nugroho
Sediono Sediono
Elly Ana


The development of the capital market cannot be separated from the contributions of
investors and brokers. From 2018 until the end of September 2021, the number of investors
has increased every year. PT. Ajaib Sekuritas Asia is one of the brokerage companies
listed on the IDX. The purpose is for modelling, analyzing, and interpreting the stock
eligibility status in the Ajaib using the ordinal logistic regression with logit function. The
data used in this study is secondary data which includes: RoA (Return on Assets), GPM
(Gross Profit Margin), OPM (Operating Profit Margin), NPM (Net Profit Margin), and
Stock Status. All data is available in the Ajaib investment application, so Ajaib is the main
data source in this research. The study result indicate that there are patterns between
Return on Assets, Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, and Net Profit Margin,
to the stock eligibility status. The predictability of the model reached 49.22% and the
pseudo R2
is 19% with an error rate of 5%. Based on the results of the study, it can be
concluded that there is a pattern of relationship between the issuer's financial indicators,
which include Return on Assets (RoA), Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Operating Profit
Margin (OPM), and Net Profit Margin (NPM), on the feasibility status of existing shares.
In the Magic investment app. A positive relationship is shown by RoA, GPM, and NPM to
the logit function of stock eligibility status, while a negative relationship is only shown by
OPM to stock eligibility status.

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How to Cite
Nugroho, H. W. ., Sediono, S., & Ana, E. . (2022). Pemodelan status kelayakan saham di aplikasi ajaib menggunakan metode regresi logit ordinal. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(9), 4045–4051.


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