Analisis dampak keberadaan wisata edukasi kampung coklat terhadap perubahan perekonomian masyarakat di Desa Plosorejo Kabupaten Blitar

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Velina Sari Dewi
Imam Mukhlis


This study aims to analyze the educational conditions of the chocolate village and analyze
the impact of the existence of chocolate village educational tourism on changes in the
economy of the people of Plosorejo Village, Blitar Regency. This study uses qualitative
data types and qualitative data with samples of educational tourism in Kampung kuning
and the surrounding community who work around educational tourism in Kampung
kuning. Data analysis from observations, interviews and documentation was carried out
by transcribing the interview data from the manager of the Kampung Chocolate
Educational Tourism and the surrounding community, then coding on the themes
according to the research title. To test the validity of the data in this study, the technique
used is using triangulation techniques. The conclusion in this study is that this Kampung
Chocolate Educational tour, is very influential on the community, especially in
encouraging the economy of the Plosorejo Village community, can provide job
opportunities and job opportunities for the community. In the beginning, people who did
not have jobs, worked odd jobs, farmers, and former thugs could work as employees at the
Chocolate Village Educational Tour and could open up business opportunities. With job
opportunities, the wheels of motion would also decrease.

Article Details

How to Cite
Dewi, V. S. ., & Mukhlis, I. . (2022). Analisis dampak keberadaan wisata edukasi kampung coklat terhadap perubahan perekonomian masyarakat di Desa Plosorejo Kabupaten Blitar. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(9), 3806–3814.


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