Consumer response due the social media marketing activities of Indonesia top brand healthy snack

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Veira Dwi Novrima
Ulani Yunus


Purpose: A healthy lifestyle is being carried out by many people, including in
Indonesia, especially during the shifting era of COVID-19. Everyone is consuming
nutritious food, one of which can be done by consuming healthy snacks. The purpose
of this study was to determine the impact of social media marketing activity carried
out by Soyjoy, as a Top Brand Healthy Snack in Indonesia, especially on awareness
and purchase intention from consumers. Research design, data, and methodology: A
quantitative approach with the type of survey research through distributing
questionnaires to 400 consumers as well as Soyjoy Instagram followers, sent via
direct messages feature, using purposive sampling technique for 3 months. 89.5 persen or
a total of 358 respondents filled out the questionnaire. Data analysis based on PLSSEM. Results: This study shows that social media marketing activities have a positive
effect on brand awareness and purchase intention directly, and indirectly brand
awareness can mediate the relationship between social media marketing and
purchase intention. Significantly, Soyjoy's social media marketing is more capable of
influencing brand awareness than purchase intention. Conclusions: This study also
proposes that brands can develop social media marketing activities to increase the
significance value of consumer awareness and purchase intention, especially in the
pandemic era, the promotional media that can be maximized is social media.

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How to Cite
Novrima, V. D. ., & Yunus, U. . (2022). Consumer response due the social media marketing activities of Indonesia top brand healthy snack. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(9), 3773–3782.


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