Analisis kinerja keuangan pemerintah wilayah Kota Cirebon (anggaran tahun 2015-2019)

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Evi Lutfiyana
Agus Munandar


This study aims to determine the Financial Performance of the Regional Government of
Cirebon City (2015-2019 Budget). This research method uses quantitative descriptive
using assessment tools such as the degree of decentralization ratio, independence ratio,
effectiveness and growth ratio. Based on the results of the studies are it shows that the
financial performance of the local government of Cirebon City is seen from the
decentralization ratio has increased from year to year, although the percentage increase
is not so large. This shows that the average income of the city of Cirebon from the last 5
years (2015-2019) is 31.16%. Meanwhile, in the 2015 local government of Cirebon City
had been financial of independence ratio was lowest situation with a percentage of 32.84,
but in the 2018-2019 the ratio of Cirebon City's regional financial independence has
increased, being in the medium category and has a participatory relationship. In this
regard, the Cirebon City Regional Government can be said to have an ability financial to
realize the planned PAD also Cirebon City's PAD growth is relatively up and down. but it
that, to always maximize revenue from the existing income capabilities for the benefit of
the region and its citizens.

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How to Cite
Lutfiyana, E. ., & Agus Munandar. (2022). Analisis kinerja keuangan pemerintah wilayah Kota Cirebon (anggaran tahun 2015-2019). Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(8), 3721–3729.


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