Pengaruh green marketing dan citra merek terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Mcdonald’s di Jakarta Utara

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Jessica Winata


Global warming increases the awareness of the Indonesian people about the importance
of efforts to preserve the environment. One of the forms is the change in the lifestyle of the
Indonesian people to start using ecofriendly products. One of the company that is
aggressively implementing the concept of Green marketing is McDonald's Corporation.
Moreover, in implementing green marketing, McDonald's Corporation also continuously
to strive to improve a positive brand image and compete in the market to win the hearts
of consumers so that it can influence consumer purchasing decisions. This study aims
to analyze the effect of green marketing and brand image on the purchasing decisions of
McDonald's products in North Jakarta.This study uses a quantitative method with the
object of research being McDonald's restaurants located in North Jakarta. Data was
collected through the distribution of online questionnaires via Google Form. The data
analysis techniques used in this study include validity test, reliability test, descriptive
analysis, classical assumption test and multiple regression analysis, individual parameter
significant test (t test), and coefficient of determination (R2). All data were processed using
the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 program. This study concluded that green marketing and brand
image have a positive and significant effects on purchasing decisions for McDonald's
products in North Jakarta. The suggestions given are to maintaining and increasing the
application of the green marketing concept and carrying out Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) to build a positive brand image.


Article Details

How to Cite
Winata, J. ., Bernadine, & Brastoro. (2022). Pengaruh green marketing dan citra merek terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Mcdonald’s di Jakarta Utara. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(8), 3623–3641.


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