Pengaruh nilai tukar dan ekspor terhadap harga saham perbankan sebelum dan setelah pengumuman covid-19

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Vienna Agatha Tampubolon
Muhammad Hasyim Ibnu Abbas


Covid-19 hampered most businesses and caused a banking crisis that triggered uncertainty so that economic growth declined. Banks can dampen these economic shocks by providing much-needed funding for companies, especially those affected by Covid-19. The bank can obtain these funds by selling stocks to the public. However, some factors affect stock prices, such as exchange rates, exports, and unexpected conditions such as Covid-19. Based on existing research, stock prices in general after Covid-19 have fallen drastically. Therefore, it is hoped that this research can help the Indonesian government control exchange rates and exports so that the price of banking stocks does not experience a drastic decline when unexpected situations such as Covid-19 occur. This study uses a panel data analysis technique. The results of this study are that the exchange rate and exports have a significant effect on stock prices, but conditions before and after Covid-19 have no significant effect on stock prices. It is expected that investors and the government can consider the factors that affect stock prices.

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Tampubolon, V. A., & Ibnu Abbas, M. H. . (2002). Pengaruh nilai tukar dan ekspor terhadap harga saham perbankan sebelum dan setelah pengumuman covid-19. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(8), 3534–3547.


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