Pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional dan kepemimpinan diri terhadap kinerja adaptif selama krisis: Peran mediasi pemberdayaan psikologi

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Rizky Ferrari Oktavian
Budhi Satriawan
Ahmad Johan


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of transformational leadership and
self-leadership on adaptive performance, as well as the mediating role of psychological
empowerment during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. This research was conducted on
employees of culinary SMEs in West Java by distributing questionnaires to respondents.
The data was then analyzed using SEM-PLS. The findings of this study prove that
transformational leadership and self-leadership have an influence on psychological
empowerment, and that psychological empowerment has an influence on adaptive
performance. It was also found that psychological empowerment mediates the effect of
transformational leadership and self-leadership on adaptive performance. This study
provides suggestions for businesses and organizations to manage and improve the
adaptive performance of their employees during organizational crises.

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How to Cite
Oktavian, R. F. ., Sriwardani, Budhi Satriawan, & Ahmad Johan. (2022). Pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional dan kepemimpinan diri terhadap kinerja adaptif selama krisis: Peran mediasi pemberdayaan psikologi. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(8), 3402–3412.


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