Potret perspektif internal business process dan perspektif learning & growth terhadap kinerja perusahaan di hotel-hotel Amaris Hotel se Bandung Raya

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Winda Gafrilia Prianka


The adoption of digital platforms by MSMEs in Indonesia is still very low. This can be
due to the lack of capacity of MSMEs to adapt to digital technology. There are three
main problems related to the capacity of MSMEs in dealing with digital platforms,
namely financial resources, business operations, and business expansion. The purpose
of the research is to analyze the digital platform model that can develop the capacity of
MSMEs as business entities, especially related to financial resources, business
operations, and business expansion. The research method used is netnography by
presenting a new approach to conducting ethical and thorough ethnographic research
that combines archival data and online communication, participation and observation,
with digital data collection and networks. Informants in this study consisted of digital
platform service providers, users, and regulators. There were fourteen informants
involved in this study spread across two provinces, namely the Special Capital Region
of Jakarta and Banten. Analysis of the data used is conceptually clustered matrices
(matrices grouped conceptually) which are arranged to unite the main roles, research
subtopics, concepts or themes together for documentation. The results of the study
indicate that MSME capacity development in the adoption of digital platforms in terms
of financial resources includes access to capital, preparation of financial reports and
the use of accounting application platforms. In terms of business operations, it includes
Human Resources management, payment systems and logistics management. As for
business expansion, it includes digital marketing and online markets.

Article Details

How to Cite
Prianka, W. G. . (2022). Potret perspektif internal business process dan perspektif learning & growth terhadap kinerja perusahaan di hotel-hotel Amaris Hotel se Bandung Raya. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(8), 3310–3317. https://doi.org/10.32670/fairvalue.v4i8.1384


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