Pengaruh faktor kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif melalui kesiapan untuk berubah sebagai mediator

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Pramudio Aditianto
Muhammad Taufiq Amir


The global Covid-19 pandemic requires the business enterprise to be ready to be up
against massive changes due to the uncertain conditions. Change is a requisite as the
business enterprise is currently recalculation of its business which has an impact on
efficiency. This efficiency makes employees have to innovate in their work to be more
effective and efficient. For this reason, transformational leaders are required to direct
employees to change as well as to behave innovatively. This research uses the
approach of quantitative with a survey method. The object of research is PT Lativi
Mediakarya with the subject of all employees from the staff to manager level. Primary
research data were collected through research questionnaires. The research sample
was 140 people represented all Directorates and Divisions. The data were analyzed
using Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square approach.
Transformational Leadership was found to have a positive effect on Readiness for
Change, but does not have a significant effect on Innovative Work Behavior. Readiness
for Change had a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior. The Readiness for
Change had a role as a mediator in the influence between Transformational
Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior. Leaders in companies need to act agilely in
the face of changing conditions with uncertainty, but still need to highlight aspects of
individual considerations in their transformational character. Transformational
leaders need to play a role in providing a stimulus for creativity and innovation so that
they always encourage innovative behavior to their followers. Innovative behavior
requires positive psychological conditions with trust and clarity of information from

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How to Cite
Aditianto, P. ., & Amir, M. T. . (2022). Pengaruh faktor kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif melalui kesiapan untuk berubah sebagai mediator. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(8), 3318–3326.


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