Penciptaan Nilai Perusahaan: Spesial Isu Merger dan Akuisisi Perusahaan Publik di Indonesia

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Perwito Perwito
Lili Adi Wibowo
Dadan Hamdani


Creating corporate value is the company's main goal, making various strategic decisions continuously so
that it has a positive impact on the company and its esteem on the prosperity of shareholders. This study
aims to analyze the Creation of Company Value through Mergers and Acquisitions.
This study uses a quantitative descriptive verification approach, the object of research in public sector
banking companies in Indonesia. To know the difference in the value of the company before and after M &
A by using Paired sample T test.
The results showed that the asset restructuring strategy through Mergers and Acquisitions did not have a
positive and significant impact on corporate value creation. This shows the absence of corporate financial
synergy through mergers and acquisitions. Further research related to asset restructuring through
corporate actions; Initial Public Offering (IPO), right issue, Leverage Buy-out..

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How to Cite
Perwito, P., Wibowo, L. A., & Hamdani, D. . (2020). Penciptaan Nilai Perusahaan: Spesial Isu Merger dan Akuisisi Perusahaan Publik di Indonesia. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 3(1), 85–93.


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