Analisis Dampak Bantuan Dana dan Modal Kerja Produktif BANPRES Terhadap Kinerja UMKM Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kota Tasikmalaya
Main Article Content
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of financial assistance and
productive working capital of BANPRES on the performance of MSMEs during the
COVID-19 pandemic in Tasikmalaya City. The object of this research is micro, small and
medium enterprises that receive BANPRES in the form of BPUM. The type of research
used in this research is descriptive exploratory. Primary data are in-depth interviews and
observations. The data analysis method used is exploratory descriptive analysis. the
impact of additional capital in the form of assistance or loans does not directly but really
helps MSMEs to improve their business performance. The results of the study stated that
BPUM assistance recognized by Tasikmalaya City MSMEs in the form of additional
capital had a positive impact on business performance. One of the perceived impacts of
the additional capital assistance for MSMEs is the increasing ability in business and being
able to compete through increasing products and increasing sales which ultimately
increases profits. The impact that is felt is not direct, but it has a long lasting effect on the
sustainability of its business.
Article Details
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