Bagaimana kualitas informasi keuangan uang muka operasional setelah implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

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Fulki Fathurrahman


This study aims to determine how the effect of enterprise resource planning (ERP)
implementation on quality financial information at PT Pupuk Kujang. This research is
based on business changes due to increased competition which is marked by the needs of
the company and related internal parties who are the perpetrators of ERP implementation
in the development of the company's business activities, and also against the background
of the implementation of an ERP system that produces inaccurate information. This
research was conducted using quantitative methods with a survey approach. The data
collected came from questionnaires distributed to 63 respondents in related departments
including accounting, finance, human resources (HR), marketing, sales facilities, retail
sales, planning and promotion, industrial and general education and training. The results
obtained indicate that ERP implementation can affect the quality of financial information
through good implementation stages, supported by quality hardware and good human
resources. However, there are also other factors that are not discussed in this study and
have an influence on the quality of financial information.

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How to Cite
Fathurrahman, F. (2022). Bagaimana kualitas informasi keuangan uang muka operasional setelah implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(8), 3260–3278.


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