Transaksi cryptocurrency : Bagaimana pandangan hukum ekonomi islam memandang?

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Sisca Ferawati Burhanuddin


The development of the digital era is increasingly widespread, prompting changes
to the payment system, some of which provide convenience, especially in terms of
economic activity services. Cryptocurrency is a blockchain-based technology that
is often used as a digital currency. Digital money is different from conventional
money, this type of money does not have a physical form but only a block of data
bound by a hash as validation. Basically cryptocurrency has almost the same
function as other currencies, but this currency does not have a physical form like
currency in general, although it provides a number of advantages for its users, the
existence of cryptocurrency is still a question mark because it does not have official
permission from the government or from state financial institutions. This research
is a type of qualitative research, using a descriptive method while the results of this
study explain that Cryptocurrency is a new phenomenon, especially in terms of
transactions, the rapid development of technology in the 4.0 revolution era makes
humans have to adapt to the various conveniences it presents, but if Seeing the
position of cryptocurrency, especially in Indonesia, the government has not
officially given permission because it is against the law and is not supervised by
financial services authority institutions. Meanwhile, according to Islamic
economic law, the concept of cryptocurrency contains gharar and dharar because
the inventor or creator is not known for certain, there is no authority to ensure the
validity of transactions, has no intrinsic value, and cannot be separated from
speculation about the price which is very volatile and is only used as a profit and
loss tool. then Cryptocurrency contains elements of Maysir..

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How to Cite
Sisca Ferawati Burhanuddin. (2022). Transaksi cryptocurrency : Bagaimana pandangan hukum ekonomi islam memandang?. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 4(7), 2849–2858.


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