Bimbingan Teknis Penerapan Jatidiri Koperasi

Program Perkuatan bagi Pengurus Koperasi Primer dan Sekunder di Jawa Barat


  • Yuanita Indriani Universitas Koperasi Indonesia



Technical Guidance, Cooperative Identity; Cooperative Benefit


The business scale of cooperatives in the province of West Java is quite heterogeneous, both in terms
of business scale and type of business, and the number of members less beneficial to its members,
because the cooperative is managed not in accordance with the identity of the cooperative. This has
prompted the Office of Cooperatives and UMKM of West Java Province to provide technical
guidance to Cooperative Management so that they can manage cooperatives in accordance with
Cooperative identity. Community Service Activities that are packaged in Technical Guidance
activities are carried out with the aim of improving and/or perfecting the management of cooperative
businesses and organizations so that cooperatives can provide the highest possible benefits for
members so that this technical guidance activity is more about awareness activities for cooperative
Management that managing cooperative organizations and businesses are different from managing
non-cooperative companies, cooperatives must be able to create the highest possible benefits for
members, cooperatives are learning and democratizing organizations, so cooperative strategic
decisions must be made through member meetings. At the end of the technical guidance session, each
member draws up an action plan to improve and improve the management of the cooperative's
organization and business so that it conforms to the identity of the cooperative, in the end, can be
expected that the cooperative will provide the highest benefits for its members and become a people's
economic movement.




How to Cite

Indriani, Y. (2023). Bimbingan Teknis Penerapan Jatidiri Koperasi: Program Perkuatan bagi Pengurus Koperasi Primer dan Sekunder di Jawa Barat. E-Coops-Day, 4(2), 173–178.