Bimbingan Teknis Penanganan Kasus Hukum Koperasi: Pentingnya Sertifikasi Kompetensi Pengurus dan Pengawas Koperasi dalam Mengelola Kegiatan Usaha Koperasi Melalui Uji Kelayakan dan Kepatutan Lembaga Sertifikasi


  • Rosti Setiawati Universitas Koperasi Indonesia



Competency Certification, Managers and Supervisors of Cooperative KSP/USP


Training with material on the Importance of Competency Certification for Cooperative Managers
and Supervisors in Managing Business Activities Conducted by Cooperatives Through Fit and
Proper Tests from Certification Institutions in charge of Cooperatives is carried out so that
participants can better understand the importance of Managers and Supervisors having competency
certification. Thus they understand that they are not just being Management and Supervisors of
Cooperatives, but they need to take a certified competency test so that they carry out their duties
with full responsibility and comply with applicable rules, and have their competency recognized.
Output This activity is so that the 30 Management and Supervisors of KSP and USP Cooperatives
throughout West Java Province who participate in this Bimtek can carry out their duties carefully
and be responsible for Cooperative members as depositors and borrowers of funds. The outcome of this activity is so that the Management and Supervisors of Cooperatives, especially Cooperatives engaged in savings and loan activities (KSP/USP Cooperatives) throughout West Java have certified competencies. Achieve the objectives of this training activity, it is carried out through an
explanation of the importance of certification, duties, and obligations as Managers and Supervisors followed by examples of solving relevant cases, thus inviting discussion to be able to produce solutions to various problems that exist in Managers and Supervisors in carrying out their duties.




How to Cite

Setiawati, R. (2023). Bimbingan Teknis Penanganan Kasus Hukum Koperasi: Pentingnya Sertifikasi Kompetensi Pengurus dan Pengawas Koperasi dalam Mengelola Kegiatan Usaha Koperasi Melalui Uji Kelayakan dan Kepatutan Lembaga Sertifikasi. E-Coops-Day, 4(1), 45 –.