Eco-Iqtishodi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah <p><strong>Eco-Iqtishodi: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah</strong> E-ISSN: 2775-1457 dan P-ISSN: 2685-2721 memuat artikel tentang ekonomi dan keuangan syariah, yang dihasilkan dari hasil penelitian, laporan/ studi kasus, kajian/ tinjauan pustaka, yang berorientasi pada kemutakhiran ekonomi dan keuangan syariah agar dapat menjadi sumber informasi ilmiah yang mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam perkembangan ekonomi dan keuangan syariah.</p> <p><strong>Eco-Iqtishodi: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah</strong> menerima artikel dengan area penelitian pada ekonomi dan keuangan syariah. Dengan artikel yang memiliki sitasi primer dan tidak pernah dipublikasikan baik secara online maupun versi cetak sebelumnya.</p> <p><strong>Eco-Iqtishodi: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah</strong> diterbitkan dalam&nbsp; versi cetak dan online dengan jadwal publikasi pada Bulan Juli dan Januari.</p> <p>Redaksi tidak bertanggungjawab atas seluruh konten isi dalam artikel isu <em>copyrights</em>, plagiarism, dan lainnya. Penulis bertanggungjawab penuh atas konten isi artikel.</p> Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah Institut Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia en-US Eco-Iqtishodi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah 2685-2721 Negara Sebagai Mediator Tumbuh Kembangnya Ekonomi Berbasis Syariah: Perspektif Filsafat <p><em>Islamic economics is an economic system that is a minority used in the world compared to other economic systems. Islam is a comprehensive religion and governs all aspects of life including economics. Islamic economics aims to create economic schemes that refer to Islamic principles, such as social justice, balance, avoiding usury, and sustainable growth. The economic sources of sharia come from the Quran, as Sunnah or al Hadith, the history of Islamic society, and empirical data. The state has an important role in supporting and regulating Islamic economic practices through appropriate regulations and policies. The state and the Islamic economy have the same interest in creating social justice, economic stability, and public welfare. The relationship between religion and state also affects the development of a country's sharia economy. In Indonesia, the government has supported the implementation of the sharia economy through various regulations and policies such as the Sharia Banking Law. With the right support from the state, the Islamic economy is expected to develop faster and provide benefits to the community.</em></p> Ian Rakhmawan Suherli Nurrohman Nurrohman Zaini Abdul Malik Kikin Mutaqin Copyright (c) 2024 Ian Rakhmawan Suherli, Nurrohman Nurrohman, Zaini Abdul Malik, Kikin Mutaqin 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 5 2 113 130 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.4112 Tinjauan Kaidah Fikih Wakaf Uang Berasal Dari Asnaf Fisabilillah; Sinergi Wakaf Produktif Dan Zakat <p><em>This paper examines the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) principles related to the permissibility of waqfing (endowing) zakat money for fisabilillah (in the way of Allah), as well as an effort to synergize productive waqf and zakat. A qualitative analysis shows that the fiqh principles can support the use of zakat funds for fisabilillah as waqf money for the benefit of the ummah (Muslim community). Productive waqf from zakat fisabilillah has the potential to bring long-term benefits to the ummah. Based on the fiqh principles that allow it, it strengthens the ummah's conviction to implement productive waqf from zakat fisabilillah.</em></p> Ishandawi Ishandawi Fauzan Januri Yusraini Muharni Copyright (c) 2024 Ishandawi 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 5 2 131 144 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.4049 Makna Tijarah Dalam Tafsir Ayat Dan Hadits Ekonomi Serta Penerapannya Dalam Praktik Bisnis Islam <p><em>The meaning of tijarah in the Qur'an is often interpreted as trade, commerce, business or buying and selling. The term tijarah in the Qur'an is often expressed to provide understanding or guidance for conducting commerce or business in Islam. So the aim of this research is to understand the meaning of tijarah in the Al-Qur'an, which then applies this interpretation to Islamic business practices. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The results of this research show that the word tijarah in the Al-Qur'an, along with all its derivatives, is repeated eight times, found in Surah Al-Baqarah/2: 16 and 282, An-Nisa/4: 29, At-Taubah/9 : 24, An-Nur/24: 37, Fathir/35: 29, Ash-Shaf/61: 10, and Al-Jumu'ah/62: 11, which shows the meaning of commerce or business in material and immaterial forms. The meaning of tijarah in the Al-Quran provides understanding and guidance that business or commerce practices should be carried out in accordance with the Shari'a by avoiding anything that justifies any means just to gain profit. However, the most important thing is to pursue pleasure to get blessings from the sustenance given by Allah SWT.</em></p> Nanang Sobarna Ahmad Hasan Ridwan Copyright (c) 2024 Nanang Sobarna, Ahmad Hasan Ridwan 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 5 2 145 158 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.4106 Analisis Perlakuan Dana Non Halal sebagai Dana Kebajikan dan Reputasi Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah <p><em>This study aims to analyze the implementation of the treatment of non-halal funds including aspects of legal rules as a benevolent fund and see its correlation to the reputation of Islamic financial institutions. This research uses the library research method with data collection techniques through searching library references, in the form of books, journals and other scientific publications. Data analysis is carried out in depth on the meaning contained in each concept and paradigm both from verses in the Qur'an, Hadith, and the opinions of the figures. The results of this study explain that non-halal funds are a segment that requires in-depth study, because at first it did not have a legal basis in its management, only limited to the presentation and recording of the accounting side. The role of the ulama through the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) which issued fatwa Number 123 of 2018 is the basis for the treatment and legal status of non-halal funds. In addition, non-halal funds have an indirect effect on the reputation of Islamic financial institutions, meaning that the higher the receipt of non-halal funds, the worse the reputation of the institution.</em></p> Kikin Mutaqin Atang Abdul Hakim Dede Nurwahidah Copyright (c) 2024 Kikin Mutaqin 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 5 2 159 170 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.3967 Tinjauan Kaidah Fiqih Ju’alah dan Maisyir <p><em>Islamic teachings emphasize that all economic activities are based on sharia principles, which contain the muamalah principle that the substance of the meaning contained therein and the goals to be achieved end up in the goal of maqasid sharia and the benefit of the ummah. Fiqh rules are the basis related to legal issues, so they can detail fiqh problems in society, including ju'alah and maisyir which are often encountered due to technological developments and societal habits. The purpose of this research is to review the rules of ju'alah and maisyir fiqh. The research method used is to use a qualitative research method in the form of a literature study sourced from secondary data by reviewing various literature, such as books, articles and various kinds of relevant library materials. The results of this research are that the rules of fiqh, in the form of Qawa'id Al-Kulliyah, Qawa'id Al-Asasiyah, and Qawa'id furu' play a very important role in detailing problems related to ju'alah and maisy, so that people will be wiser in applying materials to provide solutions to various differences of opinion among ulama.</em></p> Nurul Rahmah Kusuma Fauzan Januri Yusraini Muharni Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Rahmah Kusuma 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 5 2 171 188 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.4018 Respon Dunia Barat Terhadap Ekonomi Syariah Dalam Perspektif Idiologis, Akademis Dan Pragmatis; Antara Peluang Dan Tantangan Era 4.0 <p><em>The goal of this research is to describe and analyze the Western world's response to the development of the Islamic economy, which is examined from the standpoints of idiologic, academic and pragmatic between opportunities and challenges in era 4.0.. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach in which researchers try to find and find qualitative secondary data sourced from books, scientific journals, research results, and articles published both online and in print to then be analyzed normatively (descriptive qualitative). The findings of this study show that, in the eyes of fundamentalist political or ideological, the western response to the development of the Islamic economy is viewed as a political opponent to the continuation of wars and hostilities with Islamophobic weapons bearing the stamps of terrorism, radicalism, backwardness, and other negative attributes. According to moderate thinkers in academic perspective, Islamic economics is a test to see who can solve problems related to welfare, civilization, and other global issues. From a business standpoint or the pragmatic side, the Islamic economy is regarded as a great opportunity because the development of the Muslim population and world sympathy, which is increasingly oriented to the Islamic economy, which is regarded as more fair, profitable, carries minimal risk, and contains benefits, is a necessity, so they are forced to follow the mainstream of the world community to play in the system to take advantage, which, of course, must be suspected that religious interests remain the primary concern. </em></p> Nurjamil Nurjamil Nurrohman Syarif Copyright (c) 2024 Nurjamil Nurjamil, Nurrohman Syarif 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 5 2 189 200 Pemberdayaan Anggota Melalui Efektivitas Pengelolaan Zakat Infaq Shodaqoh (ZIS) <p><em>Empowering members is one of the goals of cooperatives to improve the welfare of their members. Cooperatives must be able to provide benefits to members, both direct benefits and indirect benefits. In sharia cooperatives, one source of financing comes from zakat-infaq-shodaqoh (ZIS). ZIS is a mandate from the community that must be managed well so that it meets the expected goals. KPPS BMT ItQan is one of the cooperatives that has the public's trust to manage ZIS funds.The aim of this research is to analyze the collection and distribution of ZIS funds in order to empower the community. The research method used is qualitative descriptive methods where the techniques used in this research are interviews, observation and documentation. KSPPS MT ItQan has 3 (three) products that can empower members, namely ItQan Assembly Financing, Bakti Maslahah Financing and Sharia Business Development. ItQan assembly financing is the most superior product.</em> <em>The principles of ZIS fund management and Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning zakat management are followed in the administration of the zakat, infaq, and alms (ZIS) program. This includes the proper planning, collection, distribution, and utilization of ZIS fund management.</em> <em>KSPPS BMT ItQan Bandung is able to empower members to the maximum extent possible</em></p> Oli Aulia Aulia Rima Elya Dasuki Copyright (c) 2024 Oli Aulia Aulia, Rima Elya Dasuki 2024-01-10 2024-01-10 5 2 201 216 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.4114 Ayat Muhkamat dan Ayat Mutasyabihat: Tinjauan Sumber Hukum Ekonomi Islam <p><em>The importance of understanding and studying the sources of Islamic law is the main basis for Muslims in living their lives from time to time. The Koran is the highest source of law which is the main reference in determining Islamic law. The Koran contains more than six thousand verses, collected in one hundred and fourteen suras. Among the verses of the Koran there are what are called muhkamat verses and mutasyabihat verses. One aspect that needs to be considered is the difference between muhkamat and mutasyabihat verses in the Koran. Muhkamat verses are verses whose meaning is clear, namely verses other than mutasyabihat verses. The muhkamat verses explain something and give details, whether it is forbidden or lawful, regarding good promises or bad promises, regarding reward or punishment, warnings or prohibitions, whether they contain news or i'tibar advice or similes or something similar, all of them This is explained in detail and clearly. As for the existence of the mutasyabihat verse, even though it has a wealth of meaning, the translation is carried out by considering the context and hadith.</em></p> Yusraini Yusraini Mustofa Hasan Ishandawi Ishandawi Copyright (c) 2024 Yusraini Yusraini, Mustofa Hasan 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 5 2 217 224 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.4115 Kontroversi Dan Komparasi Prinsip Asuransi Syariah (Takaful) Perspektif DSN- MUI, Lembaga Tarjih Muhammadiyah, Nahdatul Ulama Dan Ulama Kontemporer <p><em>The development of sharia insurance in Indonesia continues to grow every year, so that the sustainability of sharia insurance has caused controversy among several Ulama circles, Islamic mass organizations such as NU and Muhammadiyah. Because many people think that sharia insurance is the same as conventional insurance. From the results of this comparison, it can be concluded that there are several groups of contemporary ulama who allow sharia insurance law based on social interests, so that in its implementation it is only permitted in tabarru' or ta'awun contracts. The aim of this research is to understand the concept of takaful which is based on sharia principles, to find out how the MUI views takaful in Indonesia. This research method uses a qualitative library research approach, in the form of literature studies sourced from secondary data, namely books, scriptures, journals and the Koran. From the discussion it is concluded that there are two controversies regarding the development of takaful, the first is allowing and the second is prohibiting. Basically, the principle of sharia insurance (takaful) can continue as long as it does not ignore or violate the provisions of sharia law that have been established by Allah SWT. One solution is to implement takaful purely with the principle of the ta'awun contract (ask for help).</em></p> Dede Nurwahidah Atang Abdul Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Dede Nurwahidah, Atang Abdul Hakim 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 5 2 225 238 10.32670/ecoiqtishodi.v5i2.4116