Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 42-55, Juli 2021
54 https://journal.ikopin.ac.id
Regency, it can be concluded that viewed from the perspective of sharia economics,
customer satisfaction Hijrah laundry sharia is following the values and principles of
Islamic economics, which in the perspective of sharia economics customer satisfaction
can be seen from five factors that influence, namely product quality, price, service
quality, emotional factors, costs and the ease of getting products. Customer satisfaction in
this sharia laundry Hijrah is due to the washing system that prioritizes the sanctity of
clothes so that it is legal for worship, laundry services to customers are very polite,
friendly, trustworthy, and honest and use an emotional approach such as kinship, then
proper laundry work time, neat, fragrant, and durable, then also an affordable price and a
payment system that can be weekly or monthly making it easier and easier for sharia
laundry Hijrah customers.
The distinction of Sharia laundry with conventional laundry in terms of customer
satisfaction lies in the washing system and service system. From a service point of view,
Sharia Laundry Hijrah applies Islamic values such as courtesy, friendliness,
trustworthiness, and responsibility. Meanwhile, from the washing system, Hijrah Syariah
Laundry implements a washing system that is following the rules and regulations in
taharah fiqh. Namely, prioritizing purity in addition to cleanliness. The marketing
strategy used by the laundry hijrah is very attractive because it smells of Islamic, such as
free washing promos for mukenah, sarong, and worship tools, then a 1 kg discount promo
for new customers, then the sharia brand that ensures clothes are washed according to the
rules of fiqh, all of which are strategies Marketing is attractive in increasing customer
satisfaction. Hijrah Laundry Syariah also tries to emulate the marketing strategy
exemplified by the Prophet by applying good ethics (morals) in running his business.
Owners and employees always prioritize honest, sincere, professional, friendly, generous
behavior as exemplified by Rasulullah. This strategy has proven to have made Hijrah
Laundry Syariah customers more satisfied.
In connection with the above research, the researchers provide suggestions that are
expected to be taken into consideration for the Sharia Laundry Hijrah, Sharia Laundry
Hijrah must always be consistent and continuous in increasing customer satisfaction with
principles that are following the sharia economy, because it is consistent and continuous
in improving customer satisfaction with rules that are following the sharia economy will
create big changes in business, one of which is by increasing turnover and also a much
more blessed business.
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