Co-Value : Jurnal Ekonomi, Koperasi & Kewirausahaan
Volume 12, Number 2, Juli 2021
p-ISSN: 2086-3306 e-ISSN: 2809-8862
How to cite:
Dwi Belia, Putri Amalia Zubaedah. (2021). Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Sharia Laundry
Performance In Sharia Economic Perspective. Co-Value: Jurnal Ekonomi, Koperasi
Kewirausahaan Vol 12(2): 42-55
Published by:
Dwi Belia
, Putri Amalia Zubaedah
Institut Agama Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Background: Sharia laundry is laundry which in its implementation uses sharia principles.
Many factors affect the quality and operation of a business in the service sector, thereby
affecting customer satisfaction or service users. Laundry Syariah is an option to increase
customer satisfaction.
The purpose of the study: to determine the customer satisfaction of sharia laundry from an
Islamic economic perspective, differences in sharia laundry in terms of customer satisfaction,
and the marketing strategy used by sharia laundry in increasing customer satisfaction from a
sharia perspective.
Research method: descriptive-analytical method. Sources of data used are primary data
sources from data obtained by observing the place to be studied and other data which is the
result of direct interviews from sources, namely Hijrah Laundry Syariah and in the form of
collecting documentation from books, articles, journals, the internet and various other
sources which are then analyzed through data reduction, data display, and verification to
The results of the study: Hijrah Laundry Syariah is a sharia-based laundry service located
in Cirebon City. This laundry service has been established since 2019. Located precisely on
Jalan Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District, Cirebon Regency. Viewed from the
perspective of sharia economics, customer satisfaction for Hijrah sharia laundry follows the
values and principles of sharia economics, which in the perspective of sharia economics
customer satisfaction can be seen from five influencing factors, namely product quality, price,
service quality, emotional factors, costs, and easy access to the product.
Conclusion: The results of this study conclude that Laundry Syariah guarantees customer
satisfaction because of Islamic services and systems and ensures the welfare of managers and
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Privileges, Sharia Laundry
Diterima: 25-06-2021 Direvisi: 5-07-2021 Disetujui: 6-07-2021
Customer satisfaction is one of the keys to creating relationships with customers
that affect the long-term success of the company (Agnihotri et al., 2019). The level of
customer satisfaction depends on the quality of the product or service, the level of quality
according to customer expectations will result in a high level of satisfaction (Tao, 2014).
Customer satisfaction is an important thing that every company must strive to be able to
compete in the market to satisfy customer needs and desires (Solimun & Fernandes,
Tjiptono in (Moh Saiful Bahri, 2020) suggests that customer satisfaction is an
emotional response to an evaluation of the experience of consuming a product or service.
Sumarwan Ujang also suggests that customer satisfaction and customer dissatisfaction
are the impacts of comparisons between consumer expectations before purchase, which
consumers get from the product that was purchased (Wardhani et al., 2015).
Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Sharia Laundry
Performance In Sharia Economic Perspective
Dwi Belia, Putri Amalia Zubaedah 43
Awareness in carrying out the teachings of Islam is increasing day by day among
the Indonesian people, most of whom are Muslim. This awareness is not only visible in
acts of worship that are directly related to Allah, but has also penetrated economic
activities. This activity is often known as the word Sharia. In the banking world, for
example, there has been a Sharia Bank. In other economic sectors, such as Islamic
cooperatives, Islamic stocks, even in the world of washing and washing have also begun
to appear Sharia Laundry. The world of laundry in Indonesia has appeared very much like
mushrooms that grow in the rainy season. Indeed, this business world promises lucrative
benefits if we do it with enthusiasm and patience. Compared to washing and washing
businesses in general, the Sharia Laundry business provides better service, especially for
Muslims. Because the service is focused on the purity of laundry, not just cleanliness,
tidiness, and also the smell. So being holy is the differentiator from the business that has
begun to give color to the midst of the many businesses in our society.
Community needs are increasingly diverse while human activities are getting
denser from day today. In fulfilling daily needs, humans need clothing, food, and board.
As we know that clothing needs are not only in the form of buying and wearing clothes,
but also the need to care for and maintain them. And during dense and diverse human
activities and activities sometimes they don't have enough time in terms of washing and
cleaning clothes. So business in the field of clothing maintenance services or what we
usually call laundry is one of the most needed human needs. At this time there are lots of
laundries that open and provide various maintenance facilities clothes at increasingly
competitive prices.
In a situation like this, of course, these laundry entrepreneurs may compete with
other entrepreneurs. The level of competition in the business world requires every
marketer to be able to carry out marketing activities more effectively and efficiently, one
of which is by increasing customer satisfaction. Therefore, an entrepreneur must
implement the right strategy to increase customer satisfaction.
A laundry service business is an ijarah business in the field of washing such as all
types of textiles and their processed forms using water, washing soap, and washing
machines. This business is very much in demand by business people because its prospects
are considered beneficial for both producers and consumers (Bahri & Naharia, 2019). The
advantages of using laundry services do not always attract praise from consumers,
sometimes some unprofessional laundry service businesses get complaints from their
customers. The agreements made between the two parties (producers and consumers)
cannot always run smoothly in the sense that each party is satisfied because sometimes
some consumers often feel disadvantaged. After all, what they expect is far from
satisfactory. If the laundry service user, in this case, the consumer does not receive the
goods or services according to what was agreed upon, then the producer has defaulted, so
that the consumer suffers a loss. If consumers experience losses and feel dissatisfied, they
usually will no longer want to use the services at that place.
Many factors affect the quality and operation of a business in the service sector,
thus affecting the satisfaction of customers or service users. For example, technical
problems such as clothes that are worn out, clothes are still dirty, some are torn, confused,
or even lost. This problem will certainly affect the level of customer satisfaction, even
though customer satisfaction is very important for the continuity of a business or
business. According to Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller that Customer Satisfaction is
the feeling of happy or disappointed someone who appears after comparing the
performance (results) of the product thought about the expected performance (Kotler,
Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 42-55, Juli 2021
The washing process with thaharah is a washing process that not only provides
neatness, smells, and is clean but has the value the sanctity of clothes so that they can be
used for worship, while the kilo laundry has no sacred value and only washing by
machine directly they also prioritize quantity and relatively cheaper prices. This thaharah
process also has a principle of one machine for one consumer. Thaharah or holiness is a
recommendation in sharia as mentioned in the Al-qur'ans Surah Al-'Araf: 26:
"O son of Adam, verily We have lowered to your clothes to cover your genitals and
beautiful clothes for jewelry. And the clothes of piety are the best. This is part of the signs
of Allah's power, hopefully, they will always remember." (Al-Quran translated)
Based on the verse, the recommendation to clean clothes is not only clean but must
be clean from various impurities (holy) because the function of clothes is not only as a
cover for genitalia or as jewelry but also for worship, therefore clothes must be clean and
holy. Taharah is a recommendation from Sharia so that every laundry that uses the
taharah process is known as sharia-based laundry.
Sharia laundry is a laundry that in its implementation uses sharia principles. This
laundry is the same as conventional laundry, the difference is in the washing system and
the system of using the contract in it. The contract referred to here is the contract of ijarah
or lease. Leasing in Islamic law is known as ijarah which means wages, service rental, or
reward. One form of human activity in muamalah is renting, contracting, selling services,
and others. Harfiyah, al-ijarah means buying and selling benefits which is also the
meaning of the term Syar'i. Al-ijarah can be interpreted as a contract of transfer of use
rights over goods or services within a certain time limit, through the payment of rental
wages, without being followed by a transfer of ownership of the goods. The existence of
this sharia laundry is expected to be a choice for laundry service users to avoid the losses
that often occur when using ordinary laundry services (Asmawati et al., 2018)
The sharia-based laundry service business is different from the laundry service
business in general, such as kilogram laundry. The difference between the two laundry
lies in the washing process and the price setting, sharia-based laundry uses washing with
the thaharah process and the price offered is more expensive according to the quality
offered (Bahri & Naharia, 2019).
The research approach that researchers will do is qualitative. This type of
qualitative research in this research is a descriptive narrative conducted at Hijrah
Laundry. Narrative descriptive research is research that is intended to collect information
about the status of an existing symptom, namely the state of the symptoms according to
what they are at the time the research was conducted without intending to make general
or generalized conclusions.
The research was conducted at Hijrah Laundry Syariah which is located at Jalan
Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Cirebon. In the data collection technique, various techniques
were used in this study, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. The three
techniques are used to obtain mutually supporting and complementary data and
information regarding sharia-based car loan financing. Data analysis used in this study
used data analysis techniques such as those proposed by Miles and Huberman, who stated
that there were three kinds of qualitative data analysis activities, namely data reduction,
data presentation, verification, and conclusions.
Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Sharia Laundry
Performance In Sharia Economic Perspective
Dwi Belia, Putri Amalia Zubaedah 45
A. Research Results
1. General Profile of Hijrah Laundry Sharia
Hijrah Laundry Syariah is a Sharia-based laundry service located in Cirebon City. This
laundry service has been established in 2019. It is located precisely at Jalan Raya
Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu Subdistrict, Cirebon Regency. The owner is named Lusi
Puspitasari. Previously he worked in Jakarta as a car salesman and wore short clothes
without the hijab but what he was running did not know halal or not and starting from he
stopped working and preferred to stay at home.
In 2017 she only wore a hijab and dressed in Muslim clothes until 2018 she only wore a
veil until now. After being unemployed for a long time and only relying on a salary from
her husband, she thought she wanted to open a business but could use the veil.
Incidentally, he has a friend who works in the laundry and he often goes to his best
friend's laundry place. In the end, he was inspired to open a laundry business but based on
sharia. Starting from there he named his business with the name Hijrah Laundry Sharia
because it was following the life of him who had now emigrated.
He started his business in 2019 in April after a year ago he opened a new branch in
the Palimanan area which just opened on May 13, 2020. In running his business he
provides a different concept from the laundry business in general. As the name implies,
this laundry uses Islamic rules in washing clothes such as using running water during the
washing process. It is not only the washing process that distinguishes Hijrah Laundry
Syariah from other laundry businesses, namely, Hijrah Laundry Syariah always
emphasizes good behavior for employees and customers.
The form of this company is a family business, so the initial capital is from the
owner of the company, in this case, Mrs. Lusi Puspitasari herself. Starting in April 2019
with a high intention of capital and money of 5,500,000, Mrs. Lusi opened a small
laundry business and at first opening, Ms. Lusi only received a gross income of 1000,000,
- per month and one year later her turnover increased to a result of 9,000,000. - per
month. But since the existence of the coronavirus, the turnover has decreased, now her
income is only 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 million rupiahs per month. But Mrs. Lusi doesn't
give up there, Mrs. Lusi continues to think and innovate to advance her laundry business.
And until now, after a year ago he opened a new branch in the Palimanan area which just
opened on May 13, 2020. In running his business, he provides a different concept from
the laundry business in general.
In 2017 she only wore a hijab and dressed in Muslim clothes until 2018 she only
wore a veil until now. After being unemployed for a long time and only relying on a
salary from her husband, she thought she wanted to open a business but could use the
veil. Incidentally, he has a friend who works in the laundry and he often goes to his best
friend's laundry place. In the end, he was inspired to open a laundry business but based on
sharia. Starting from there he named his business with the name Hijrah Laundry Sharia
because it was following the life of him who had now emigrated.
Physical Condition of Islamic Laundry Hijrah:
- Business Name: Hijrah Laundry Sharia
- Laundry Owner: Lusi Puspitasari
- Business Products: Laundry Services
- Address: Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District, Cirebon Regency
- Vision: To become a laundry pioneer that is different in its washing
which is known to the public as sharia laundry, oriented towards blessings and
satisfaction, and produces good friendship, both to agents and customers.
Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 42-55, Juli 2021
Number of Employees:
Pamengkang: 1 person
Palimanan: 1 person
Monthly Turnover: Before the existence of the coronavirus, sharia laundry
migrations could reach a turnover of up to 9,000,000 million rupiahs per month. But since
the existence of the coronavirus, the turnover has decreased, now the income is only
3,000,000 to 4,000,000 million rupiahs per month.
At Hijrah Laundry Syariah, there are facilities including:
a) Washing Machines: 2 units
b) Drying Machine: 1 unit
c) Steam Iron: 1 unit
d) Vacuum Cleaner: 1 unit
e) LPG Gas: 1 unit
Level of Customer Satisfaction Against Hijrah Laundry ShariaBased on the results
of an interview with Mrs. Lusi Puspitasari as the Owner of Hijrah Laundry Sharia on
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until finished at Hijrah Laundry Sharia which is
addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District, Cirebon Regency regarding
customer satisfaction at Hijrah Laundry Syariah Stating:
"What makes customers feel satisfied in using our services is First, in another
laundry it does not prioritize holiness, but in sharia laundry hijrah prioritizes holiness
because being holy is a legal requirement in praying. Second, in sharia laundry migration
using an emotional approach, even amid an epidemic like this there are still loyal
customers at our laundry because according to them our behavior is very polite, friendly,
and familial and makes it easy for customers to wash their clothes because even at any
time we are ready to pick up the laundry. Third, if something is damaged or something
else, we are not free from responsibility and will replace it. Fourth, in this sharia laundry
move, you can pay weekly or monthly according to the customer's ability, therefore they
feel very happy and satisfied with our services. "
Meanwhile, according to Mba Ayu's explanation as an HijrahLaundry Syariah
Employee on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until completion at Hijrah
Laundry Syariah which is addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District,
Cirebon Regency regarding customer satisfaction at Hijrah Laundry Syariah Stating:
"What makes customers feel satisfied in using this sharia laundry service,
especially in the behavior of serving customers with courtesy, friendly, trustworthy and
honest. The work is on time, neat, and smells long-lasting so that customers are satisfied
and not disappointed. "
According to the results of research interviews with Laundry Owners along with
several Laundry Employees, it is concluded that customer satisfaction in this sharia
laundry Hijrah is because the washing system prioritizes the sanctity of clothes so that it
is legal for worship, laundry services to customers are very polite, friendly, trustworthy
and honest and use emotional approaches such as kinship, then on time, neat, fragrant and
durable laundry work, then also an affordable price and a payment system that can be
weekly or monthly making it easier and easier for sharia laundry customers to migrate to
sharia laundry.
Service Distinction at Hijrah Laundry Sharia
Based on the results of an interview with Mrs. Lusi Puspitasari as the Owner of
Hijrah Laundry Sharia on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until finished at
Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Sharia Laundry
Performance In Sharia Economic Perspective
Dwi Belia, Putri Amalia Zubaedah 47
Hijrah Laundry Sharia which is addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu
District, Cirebon Regency regarding the distinction of customer satisfaction at Hijrah
Laundry Syariah Stating:
"What distinguishes ordinary laundry from sharia laundry is in terms of behavior.
In sharia laundry hijrah prioritizes behavior and we adopt polite, friendly, and familial
behavior so that customers feel satisfied with what we treat customers. In terms of smell,
it is different. use non-alcoholic perfume so that the fragrance is more durable and sharp.
And here we are also very responsive if a customer's item is lost or our taper is
responsible and does not underestimate it. Of course, washing it is different, there are still
many laundries that do not have insight into how to wash them clean from dirt and
unclean properly for Muslim clothes. Here we wash them one by one and do not use
direct soap but rinse first using running water if it has just been put in the washing
machine to continue washing. "
Meanwhile, according to Mba Ayu's explanation as a Sharia Laundry Hijrah
Employee on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until finished at Hijrah Laundry
Sharia which is addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District, Cirebon
Regency regarding the distinction of customer satisfaction at Hijrah Laundry Syariah
"What distinguishes sharia laundry from the conventional laundry is in terms of
behavior, sometimes it is not applied in the conventional laundry in being polite, friendly,
and honest so that sometimes customers feel dissatisfied with the service. The difference
with Islamic laundry, Islamic laundry prioritizes good behavior in accepting customers so
that customers are satisfied and happy with their service. Besides, it is also different in
terms of washing, if the sharia laundry is washing it with running water, washing the
clothes is separated which are clean and which are unclean, the word is unclean in the
sense that it smells like urine (small child rotten) and it is watered first and then washed
using hands after cleaning. freshly washed using a washing machine different from
conventional laundry the water does not flow and settles in the washing machine, sharia
laundry uses non-alcoholic perfume while conventional laundry sometimes uses alcohol,
of course in the packaging it is different if in sharia laundry after the clothes are finished
drying it is immediately ironed and given perfume and then let it stand at a temperature so
that the perfume has a long-lasting fragrance, different from conventional laundry, once it
is ironed, the perfume is immediately packed. "
And according to Ms. Suteni as a Hijrahlaundry customer who was interviewed on
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until finished at Hijrah Laundry Syariah, which
is addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District, Cirebon Regency regarding
the distinction of customer satisfaction at Hijrah Laundry Syariah Stating:
          
especially from how to wash them, the point is that in Sharia laundry, washing them uses
Islamic fiqh rules, so besides being clean it is also holy, besides using non-alcoholic
perfume so you avoid haram, so it's safe for worship use. "
According to the results of research interviews with laundry owners and several
laundry employees and laundry customers, it is concluded that there is a very significant
difference between Islamic laundry and conventional laundry in terms of customer
satisfaction. Customer satisfaction in Islamic laundry is higher than in conventional
laundry because there are several differences between the two.
Marketing Strategy Used Sharia Laundry In Increasing Customer Satisfaction
Based on the results of an interview with Mrs. Lusi Puspitasari as the Owner of
Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 42-55, Juli 2021
Hijrah Laundry Sharia on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until finished
at Hijrah Laundry Sharia which is addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu
District, Cirebon Regency regarding the distinction of customer satisfaction at Hijrah
Laundry Syariah stated:
"Yes, of course, every laundry has the same marketing strategy, especially if it is
clean, fragrant, and on time in the process so that it is attractive to customers and can
increase customer satisfaction. But there is something different from another laundry,
namely, here we prioritize holiness because we as Muslims if worship must be holy. After
all, clean is not enough, so customers feel satisfied with our services. "
Mrs. Lusi Puspitasari also added:
"In Hijrah Sharia Laundry, there is always a 1 kg discount promo for new
customers. And this is what is very interesting for customers, namely the sharia laundry
migration, washing mukena, sarong, and other prayer tools, free of charge. Not only that,
but the sharia laundry migration is also free to pick up and pick up laundry,"
Meanwhile, according to Mba Ayu's explanation as a Sharia Laundry Hijrah
Employee on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until finished at Hijrah Laundry
Sharia which is addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District, Cirebon
Regency regarding customer satisfaction at Hijrah Laundry Syariah Stating:
"The strategy used by sharia laundry to increase customer satisfaction is to serve
customers with polite, friendly, trustworthy, and honest behavior and in a timely and neat
process. Apart from that, the laundry often holds promos, free shuttle, and free washing
mukena. Koko clothes, prayer mats, and other prayer tools so that customers are satisfied
and happy to use our services. "
Then according to Mrs. Suteni as a laundry Hijrah customer who was interviewed
on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, at 09:00 WIB until it was finished at Hijrah Laundry
Syariah which was addressed at Jl. Raya Pamengkang No. 14 Mundu District, Cirebon
Regency regarding customer satisfaction at Hijrah Laundry Syariah Stating:
"The promos used for the hijrah laundry are very attractive and very Islamic, such
as free washing promos for mukena, sarongs, and worship tools, there is also a 1 kg
discount promo for new customers, then clothes that are washed clean, smell good, and
are done on time according to the rules. fiqh, so that customers feel calm in using their
clothes to worship "
According to the results of research interviews with Laundry Owners and several
Laundry Employees and also laundry customers, it is concluded that the marketing
strategy used by the laundry move is very attractive because it smells of Islam, such as
free washing promos for mukena, sarong, and worship tools, then 1 kg discount promo
for new customers and brands. Syariah, which ensures that clothes are washed according
to fiqh principles, all of which are attractive marketing strategies in increasing customer
B. Discussion
How Sharia Laundry Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Economic Perspective
Viewed from the perspective of sharia economics, customer satisfaction Hijrah
laundry sharia is following the values and principles of Islamic economics, which in the
perspective of Islamic economics customer satisfaction can be seen from five factors that
influence, namely product quality, price, service quality, emotional factors, costs, and
convenience get the product.
Product Quality
Customers will be satisfied if after buying and using the product, the product
quality is good. This product quality is a global dimension and there are at least five
Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Sharia Laundry
Performance In Sharia Economic Perspective
Dwi Belia, Putri Amalia Zubaedah 49
elements of product quality, namely performance, durability, features, consistency, and
design (Anggun Nugroho, 2018)
The laundry business is a business in the service sector, which means that the
product is washing services. The results of washing produced by Hijrah Laundry Sharia
are the results of washing that is clean, fragrant, neat, and also clean from unclean. From
this, in terms of product quality, Hijrah Laundry Sharia has produced good quality
products g which can satisfy customers.
For sensitive customers, usually low prices are an important source of satisfaction
because they get high-value money. This component is very important for some
companies who want to create customer satisfaction. In terms of the price of Hijrah
Laundry Sharia, it is also very affordable and not burdensome, which only costs Rp.
7,000 per kilo for ordinary clothes. Of all the services offered by Hijrah Laundry Syariah,
it has succeeded in making its customers feel very satisfied and giving a positive
impression so that customers become regular customers and make this laundry continue
to grow until now (Purwanto & Nugroho, 2018)
Quality of Service
The quality of service or service quality is very dependent on three things, namely
systems, technology, and people. This human factor contributes 70%. No wonder that
satisfaction with service quality is usually difficult to imitate. The quality of service in
terms of humans, or this case, the employees at Hijrah Laundry Syariah are very good.
Laundry owners teach their employees to always provide excellent service to every
laundry customer (Belia, 2021)
Compared to washing and washing businesses in general, the Hijrah Sharia
Laundry business provides better service, especially for Muslims. The service is focused
on the sanctity of laundry, not just cleanliness, tidiness, and also its fragrance. This is the
main attraction for Hijrah Laundry Sharia. The core of the Sharia Laundry Hijrah service
product, whose market segment is the Muslim community, is not only clean from dirt but
clean from dirt and unclean. This is what the owner of the Sharia Laundry Hijrah is very
concerned about because Muslims are required to pray five times a day using clothes that
are clean from dirt or najis (taharah), for all clothes worn during prayer.
Emotional Factors
Where customers feel satisfied with certain products even though they may be
expensive, but they can cause a more satisfying feeling because of the emotional value
provided by the brand of the product. The emotional value given by the brand from
Hijrah Laundry Syariah is its consistency in keeping customers' clothes not only clean but
also holy. For some people, maybe this is not an important thing. However, for Muslims,
the sanctity of clothing is important. Muslims usually prefer to work with
institutions/businesses that have a sharia brand. This is so that they don't have to feel
anxious and worry anymore about halalness. Hijrah Laundry Syariah has implemented a
washing system that complies with fiqh principles which produce clothes that are not only
clean but also holy and can be used for worship. This has attracted the emotional value of
customers and makes customers feel more satisfied to transact on Hijrah Laundry Sharia.
Costs and ease of obtaining products
Customers will feel more satisfied if the costs and products obtained are relatively
easy, comfortable, and efficient in obtaining products or services.(Fan et al., 2020) As
previously explained, Hijrah Laundry Syariah also sets a relatively cheap price of IDR
7,000 per kilogram. Hijrah Laundry Syariah also always makes it easy for customers to
wash their clothes because at any time Hijrah Laundry Syariah is ready to pick up laundry
Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 42-55, Juli 2021
to the customer's house. Another convenience is, in this sharia laundry move, you can pay
weekly or monthly according to the customer's ability.
Therefore, in terms of cost and ease of getting the product, Hijrah Laundry Syariah
has met the criteria very well so that customers are satisfied.(Alam et al., 2019) Islam
teaches its people to help each other in matters of goodness another and Islam forbids
mutual help in matters of evil. In the Koran surah al-Maidah (5): 02 its is explained:
              
              
                  
     
"O you who believe! Do not violate the syiars of the holiness of Allah, and do not
(violate the honor) of the haram months, do not (interfere with) hadyu (sacrificial
animals) and qala'id (marked sacrificial animals), and don't (anyway) disturb the people
who visit Baitulharam; they seek the grace and pleasure of their Lord. But if you are have
completed ihram, then you can hunt. Do not let (your) hatred towards a people because
they hinder you from the Sacred Mosque, encouraging you to go beyond the limits (to
them). And help one another in virtue and piety, and do not help one another in sin and
enmity. Fear Allah, indeed, Allah is severe in punishment ". (Quran translated)
An economic transaction is certainly not free from sales and purchases which is
described in the form of consumer (customer) satisfaction with the product or service
obtained from the sale (Wagner & Eidenmuller, 2019). Concerning the provision of
consumer services, Islam has set out various ways to produce quality services for its
customers (Zouari & Abdelhedi, 2021). Achieving the best quality of service in an
organization or company requires a solid Islamic management building foundation or also
called total Islamic quality where the building foundation is sourced from the Quran and
Hadith and can be formed if the following instruments are, namely:
Must be based on strong patience
Long-term commitment
Continuous service quality improvement
Cooperation and respect/respect for everyone
Education and training.
Based on the exposure, it can be concluded that viewed in the perspective of sharia
economy, customer satisfaction Hijrah sharia laundry following the values and principles
of sharia economy which in sharia economic perspective customer satisfaction can be
seen from five factors that affect product quality, price, service quality, emotional factors,
cost and ease of getting the product. Customer satisfaction in Hijrah laundry sharia is
because of its washing system that prioritizes the purity of clothing so it is legal to
worship, laundry service to customers who are very polite, friendly, trustworthy, and
honest and use emotional approaches such as family relationships, then timely and neat
laundry work, fragrant and durable, then also the affordable price and it's a payment
system that can be weekly or monthly thus facilitating and easing customers Hijrah
laundry sharia.
How Distingsi Laundry Syari'ah In Aspects Of Customer Satisfaction
Compared to the washing business in general, the Shariah Laundry business
provides a better service, especially for Muslims. The service is focused on the purity of
laundry is not just cleanliness, cleanliness and also the fragrance only. So holy is the
difference between the business that begins to take color amid the many businesses that
exist in our society. This can be a unique attraction for business actors, especially for
Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Sharia Laundry
Performance In Sharia Economic Perspective
Dwi Belia, Putri Amalia Zubaedah 51
Muslim businessmen because in addition to worldly profits there can also be a
place of da'wah for the Muslim community so that the benefits of the hereafter or rewards
are obtained. So in other words, this kind of business provides a double benefit, which is
the benefit of the afterlife (Wardhani et al., 2015)
The essence of laundry service products whose market segment is the Muslim
community is not only clean from dirt but clean from dirt and feces. This is very
important because Muslims are required to perform the five daily prayers by using clean
clothes from dirt or najis (thaharah), for all the clothes that are worn at the time of prayer.
In terms of Syria 'thaharah is clean from najis good najis haqiqi, that is khubut
(dirt) or najis hukmi, that is hadas. Najmi hukmi is najis found on some parts of the body
that hinders the validity of prayer. These feces consists of small hadas that can be
removed with ablution and large hadas that can be removed with a bath. The feces on
clothes must be cleaned or purified before they can be used to perform prayers. Najis can
be divided into four, namely light najis (Najis Mukhaffafah), Najis medium (Najis
Mutawassithah), Najis heavy (Najis Mughalladah), and Najis that are forgiven
(Wardhani et al., 2015)
Light feces (Mukhaffafah) is light feces.
Clothes that are contaminated, to purify them simply by splashing water on the
affected area, should not be washed or washed. An example of this type of feces is the
urine of a boy who has not eaten, in addition to his mother's milk.
Medium feces (Mutawassithah) is najis with medium levels.(Insani & Andini,
Clothes that are exposed to feces should be cleaned by washing them thoroughly so
that they do not lose their traces, smell, or taste. The feces that fall into this group include
menstrual blood, pus, etc. This type of excrement can be divided into two, namely najis
ainiah and najis hukmiah. Najis ainiah is uncleanness that is visible to the naked eye,
while najis hukmiah is uncleanness that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Clothes that
are exposed to feces ainiah must first be removed and then washed using running water.
Clothes that are exposed to the feces of Ber Berkham really from dirt and feces like being
exposed to dry alcohol, then just need to wash it with running water only.
Heavy feces (Mughalladah) is heavy feces.
Clothes or parts of the body that are affected by feces should be cleaned by
washing as many as 7 times with water and one of them is mixed with soil. Included in
this feces are feces that come from pigs or dogs.(Lin et al., 2020)
Forgiven feces (Ma'fu feces)
That is, feces that are difficult to recognize then can be forgiven and considered
untouched by feces. Clothes that are exposed to feces are sacred even if they are not
washed, for example; feet and ends of pants or gloves that are exposed to wet, and can not
be observed feces or not.
Referring to these kinds of feces, then in the process of washing clothes, it is
necessary to be careful so that the clothes are clean from dirt and feces. Hijrah Laundry
Syariah, as the name implies is a Syariah-based laundry service business. Hijrah Laundry
Syariah applies the system and principles of Sharia in running its laundromat business
both in terms of service and the washing system. In terms of washing Sharia laundry with
conventional laundry is very different, there are still many laundries that do not have
insight into how to wash clean from dirt and unclean properly for Muslim clothes. In
Sharia laundry, the way to wash it is not to use soap directly but to rinse first using
running water if it has just been added to the washing machine to continue washing,
Shariah laundry cleans it with running water, washing clothes is also separated which is
clean and which is unclean, said najis in a sense like The smell of pesing (small child
Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 42-55, Juli 2021
ompol) is watered first and then washed by hand after cleaning and then washed using a
washing machine. Unlike conventional laundry, the water does not flow and settle in the
washing machine, in sharia laundry it uses non-alcoholic perfume while conventional
laundry sometimes uses alcohol, of course in the packaging it is different if in sharia
laundry after clothes are dried it is immediately ironed and perfumed especially so that
the perfume lasts longer than conventional laundry so it is ironed and given the perfume
immediately packed.
In terms of Sharia laundry service with conventional laundry is also very different.
In sharia laundry we prioritize behavior and we apply polite, friendly, and family
behavior so that customers feel satisfied with what we do to customers. While in
conventional laundry less polite, friendly, and honest behavior is applied so that
sometimes customers feel dissatisfied with the service.(Wongkitrungrueng et al., 2019)
Based on this, it can be concluded that the separation of Sharia laundry with
conventional laundry in terms of customer satisfaction lies in the washing system and
service system. In terms of Hijrah Laundry Syariah, services apply Islamic values such as
courtesy, friendliness, trust, and responsibility. Meanwhile, from the washing system,
Hijrah Syariah Laundry implements the washing system following the rules and
regulations in fiqh thaharah. That is, prioritizing purity as well as cleanliness.
How Marketing Strategies Used by Shariah Laundry in Increasing Customer
Satisfaction Shariah Economic Perspective
Marketing activity (marketing) is the activity of channeling goods and services
from the manufacturer to the hands of consumers. In this case, some basic questions
include marketing activities (marketing); starting from what is marketed, who is
marketing, to how goods and services are marketed through the activities of marketing
functions such as purchasing, sales, transportation, and so on. Once the goods and
services are distributed to the consumer, then the consumer will make several
considerations, namely:
Attention means attention to the goods and services offered.
Through its Syariah brand, Hijrah Laundry Syariah has succeeded in attracting
customers. As we know that Sharia-based laundry today is still very rare, so if there is a
laundry that uses a Sharia brand then it will be very attractive to customers.
Interest, the emergence of interest to know more about the goods and services
After successfully attracting customers with its Syariah brand, Hijrah Laundry
Syariah has also made its customers more interested to know more about the washing
system following the rules of jurisprudence. The owner or employee of Hijrah Laundry
Syariah usually does not hesitate to explain to his customers the importance of washing
clothes following the rules of jurisprudence to be pure from najis and valid for use in
Desire, which is a desire that arises after being interested in the goods and services
offered, the desire begins de pay attention and observe more deeply so you want to try the
goods and services offered.
Hijrah Laundry Syariah with its sharia brand makes customers interested in finally
examining more deeply the differences between conventional laundry and Sharia laundry
which ultimately makes customers more interested and chooses to wash their clothes in
Islamic laundry.
Action, which is an action that arises because it is ripe in its consideration of
choosing goods and services that have been offered to be paid for, then consumed or
Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Sharia Laundry
Performance In Sharia Economic Perspective
Dwi Belia, Putri Amalia Zubaedah 53
used. With all the efforts and marketing strategies done by Hijrah Laundry Syariah, it has
succeeded in making customers choose to use its services.
Satisfaction, after the goods, are consumed and used, further with the feeling of
being satisfied or dissatisfied by consumers after using or using the goods and services
previously purchased. This is a return (after sales / input / feedback) obtained by
companies offering goods and services.
The marketing strategy used by Hijrah Laundry Syariah prioritizes customer
satisfaction. Customers are the endpoint of the goal of marketing activities which are
expected to buy goods and services with satisfaction. The term satisfactory (satisfaction)
is the keyword for the success of marketing (marketing). Because if consumers are not
satisfied with the goods and services purchased, then the purchase will never occur, the
impact is that marketing will fail, so that it will result in losses for producers or
companies that sell goods and services.
Apart from relying on its sharia brand, Hijrah Laundry Syariah also carries out
several promotions to attract customers. Promotions made are also attractive because they
have Islamic smells such as free washing promos for makes, sarongs, and prayer tools,
then a 1 kg discount promo for new customers then the sharia brand which ensures that
clothes are washed according to fiqh principles, all of which are attractive marketing
strategies in increasing customer satisfaction
Marketing or marketing activities should be returned to their true characteristics, as
was done by the Prophet. Therefore, Islamic marketing is important for marketers to
penetrate the market. In Islam, there are nine kinds of ethics (akhlaq) that a salesperson
must have, namely:
Have a spiritual personality (taqwa)
Good personality and sympathetic (shiddiq)
Be fair in business (al'adl)
Serve customers with humility (khitmah)
Always keep promises and not cheat (tahfif)
Honest and reliable (al amanah)
Don't like prejudice (su'udzon)
Don't like to badmouth (sharir)
Do not take bribes (riswah)
Rasulullah is a business pioneer who uses the principles of honesty and fair and
healthy business transactions. He also did not hesitate to socialize his business principles
in the form of education and firm statements to other businessmen. Since the 7th century,
the Prophet taught his people how to trade properly. He highly prioritizes honest
behavior, sincerity, professionalism, friendship, generosity.
Hijrah Laundry Syariah also tries to emulate the marketing strategy exemplified by
the Prophet by applying good ethics (morals) in running his business. Owners and
employees always prioritize honest, sincere, professional, friendly, generous
behavior as exemplified by the Prophet. This strategy has proven to have made the Hijrah
Laundry Syariah customers are more satisfied
Based on the results of research that has been done regarding the analysis of
customer satisfaction on the performance of Islamic laundry in the perspective of Islamic
economics in Islamic laundry hijrah Jl. Raya Pamengkang, Mundu District, Cirebon
Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 42-55, Juli 2021
Regency, it can be concluded that viewed from the perspective of sharia economics,
customer satisfaction Hijrah laundry sharia is following the values and principles of
Islamic economics, which in the perspective of sharia economics customer satisfaction
can be seen from five factors that influence, namely product quality, price, service
quality, emotional factors, costs and the ease of getting products. Customer satisfaction in
this sharia laundry Hijrah is due to the washing system that prioritizes the sanctity of
clothes so that it is legal for worship, laundry services to customers are very polite,
friendly, trustworthy, and honest and use an emotional approach such as kinship, then
proper laundry work time, neat, fragrant, and durable, then also an affordable price and a
payment system that can be weekly or monthly making it easier and easier for sharia
laundry Hijrah customers.
The distinction of Sharia laundry with conventional laundry in terms of customer
satisfaction lies in the washing system and service system. From a service point of view,
Sharia Laundry Hijrah applies Islamic values such as courtesy, friendliness,
trustworthiness, and responsibility. Meanwhile, from the washing system, Hijrah Syariah
Laundry implements a washing system that is following the rules and regulations in
taharah fiqh. Namely, prioritizing purity in addition to cleanliness. The marketing
strategy used by the laundry hijrah is very attractive because it smells of Islamic, such as
free washing promos for mukenah, sarong, and worship tools, then a 1 kg discount promo
for new customers, then the sharia brand that ensures clothes are washed according to the
rules of fiqh, all of which are strategies Marketing is attractive in increasing customer
satisfaction. Hijrah Laundry Syariah also tries to emulate the marketing strategy
exemplified by the Prophet by applying good ethics (morals) in running his business.
Owners and employees always prioritize honest, sincere, professional, friendly, generous
behavior as exemplified by Rasulullah. This strategy has proven to have made Hijrah
Laundry Syariah customers more satisfied.
In connection with the above research, the researchers provide suggestions that are
expected to be taken into consideration for the Sharia Laundry Hijrah, Sharia Laundry
Hijrah must always be consistent and continuous in increasing customer satisfaction with
principles that are following the sharia economy, because it is consistent and continuous
in improving customer satisfaction with rules that are following the sharia economy will
create big changes in business, one of which is by increasing turnover and also a much
more blessed business.
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